Earth Moves: The Furnishing of Territories, 1995

"Life structured by freely chosen relationships represents the fullest, most well-rounded aspects of each human personality. These are developed through choices made during the time free from work, on the basis of interests, desires, and cultural options open to all....To resolve this problem it is necessary to examine leisure activity as a process distinct in character yet part of the general process of community life. Leisure activity creates numerous individual and material needs. These mean that areas must be assigned to leisure activity, areas that, of course, should be fully accessible to everyone.

A - compact with a location closer to the centers near
entrance area; B - compact with location
centers at the core of the park; IN --:
dispersed beam with monofunctional
axles (up to 1 km long); E - beam with
multifunctional axes (only: f, more than 1 km); G - cruciform (with 1 intersecting transit foot traffic); 3 -(small parks); K. - monocentric
(small parks); 1 - zone of mass events;
2 - physical education JJ-rehabilitation zone; 3 - culture11
- a simple zone; 4 - recreation area for children,
5 - zone of walks and quiet rest; 6 - OS
net1yt1 exits

Children couples…(see fig. XVIII. W, D) Designed for games, entertainment, culture and cultural enlightenment schoolchildren in a healthy natural setting. They must provide the best conditions for expansion horizons of children and their acquaintance with various industry, science and technology, various amateur circles (young tech niks, young naturalists, artistic activity).